Election post



Hello! I'm Alexa and salsa has taken over my life.

Let me explain. From someone who couldn't dance, I have somehow not been able to stop dancing for the past two years through this society, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I find it incredible how even after 15 hours of classes, socials, and training a week, I can still come home humming Yo Vengo de Cuba (??).

Between bumping into you guys during basics (I'm so sorry) and bumping into you guys on campus, being part of Salsa Soc is one of, if not the biggest, highlight of my university life. This society has introduced me to such an amazing community, art form, and culture that I just can't get enough of - which is why this year I am running for President.

I love this society and my past year in the committee as Communications Officer has only shown how much it means to me. It makes me so happy to see how anyone regardless of their dance experience can walk in as a complete beginner and emerge with a whole new room of friends, confidence, and killer dance moves. 

Given the chance, I hope to continue creating that welcoming atmosphere next term and spur Salsa Soc to even greater heights. Having served as a Society Rep in the Student Union, Departmental Rep, Events Officer and Changemakers project leader, I'm experienced with organisation, problem solving, and communication. I'm dedicated to making this society the best it can be, and hope to have your support in doing so!