Election post


I've had an amazing time with the Sailing Club since starting at UCL. Being treasurer next year will allow me to contribute to improving the club even further in a few ways:


  • Make sailing more accessible to more people by creating opportunities that could reduce worries about the steep expenses often associated with the sport. Everyone should be able to experience the joy of sailing regardless of their financial situation;
  • Make club finances more clear transparent, laying out how membership and other costs are used;
  • Increase club profits so that we can further fund club engagement;
  • Give a larger voice to members about how funding should be prioritised and distributed.



Just some of the skills and experience I'll be bringing to the role include:


  • Organisation: ensuring payments are timely and keeping a detailed record of expenses, whilst managing funds responsibly;
  • Finance: drawing up a realistic budget and sticking to it has been an important part of administrative roles I've carried out in past internships;
  • Membership: having been involved in the club for a while, I've experienced and been able to identify areas where I as a member want to see improvements and know how this could be communicated within and beyond the committee.


Ultimately, I want to help carry on the great progress the previous committees of this club have and continue to make and, most importantly, to keep having fun sailing together!