Election post


Being 1st XV captain next year would be an honour and responsibility I would love to take on as I believe I am best suited for the role for a range of reasons.

I have a range of leadership experience at school and university having captained a range of sports teams and having held positions on the rumscc (indoor captain), rumsrfc (kit sec, vice captain), uhrfc (7s captain) committees over the last two years. These have all helped me develop my communication skills, teamwork and time management. Furthermore, this role will require a lot of admin which my position as Conference Facilitator on the iNUGSC 2023 committee in tandem with the aforementioned positions have required me to display. Whether that would be with you boys or with the union I promise I will be on top of everything and keep all of you boys happy. I also hope to keep the club as open and accessible for all students while still keeping our key values from when this club began. 

As a passionate member of the club for the last 3 years whether it be on the pitch or off it I hope you all trust that I will help this club develop and grow in next year and for the rest of my time in medical school.

Most importantly I was Fresher of The Year 2021 (Previously won by our very own Tom Horsed***). So vote for me for good luck.