Election post


Hi all, I’m Matt and I am running for Welfare Secretary.

Despite my passing resemblance to a couple of Asian dictators (or so I’ve been told), the welfare of the people in this club is of utmost importance to me.

For many of us, this rugby club has been more than just about the sport. The network of support that clubmen provide each other is invaluable. For me personally, rugby is one of the highlights of my time so far at UCL, and the people at this club have been some of the best characters I’ve met.

As Welfare Sec, I hope to carry on the good work of Millbank and Jacques and be open to anyone to speak to, at any time. We have been doing a lot of good work on the charity side with regards to mens’ physical and mental health, and I hope to ensure that this culture of supporting each other carries over into the club. 

I feel like the diversity of the club is one of our strengths, as evidenced by the variety of lads we attract. It is my aim that this culture is continued and we continue to be a welcoming space for all people. This club is a group of people I hold very dear to my heart, and I believe we will achieve great things in the year ahead.

Love rugby, love the club, love the boys.
