Election post


I am writing to apply for the position of Treasurer in the Romanian and Moldovan Society. As a business enthusiast and a dedicated member of the society, I believe I possess the necessary skills and experience to excel in this role.

As an undergraduate student majoring in Economics and Business, I have completed various courses in accounting, asset pricing, private equity, and investment management. I have also participated in business-related extracurricular activities, including the UCL Hatchery, and business expansion in Romania and the Balkans. Through these experiences, I have gained a solid understanding of business management.

I am constantly eager to learn new things and gain more experience, and, as a final-year student, this would be my first time applying to a society position. Nonetheless, given my experience so far with managing a business within the Hatchery I strongly believe I have the necessary experience of being a treasurer. I also feel comfortable helping with business ideas that will further contribute to the development of our region.

If selected for the position of Treasurer, I am committed to using my skills and experience to help the society achieve its financial goals. I will ensure that the society's funds are managed responsibly and transparently and that all financial reports are accurate and up-to-date. I will also work closely with the administrative team to develop investment strategies that align with the society's mission and objectives.