Election post


I am standing in this election because I want to continue the progress that myself and the other Online co-EIC have made with Pi Online and to achieve new goals which will improve the efficiency, reputation, and cohesiveness of the branch.  

Throughout the last year serving in this role we,

  • Recruited and led a team of fourteen Section Editors
  • Implemented an Editorial section with the goal of bi-weekly publication
  • Revamped the website and increased user engagement by 36%
  • Increased the average article output by over 300%, from 11 articles per month to 34
  • Led a weekly newsroom to set commissions, decide on Editorial content, and coordinate the Online team

If I was able to serve as co-EIC for a second year I plan on,

  • Establishing a letters to the editor section
  • Increasing the news writers content output
  • Planning socials to encourage writer participation
  • Continuing the weekly newsroom and commission system we established this year

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to stay on as Online co-Editor in Chief. I truly enjoyed serving in this role over the last year and am very luck to have worked with amazing people in the Online section and on the rest of Pi's committee. I hope I can be apart of carrying over the friendly and productive spirit we cultivated over the last year into the next.