Election post


Having written plenty of pretentious, pseudo-intellectual articles in my life so far, not to mention me casually flexing my email correspondence (albeit unfortunately nothing more than that) with Variety’s London Editor Leo Barraclough at every available opportunity, Pi Media elections have given me an occasion to expand my journalistic knowledge and breadth by applying to be a co-editor in chief!

Much like, I assume, most of Pi Media’s ranks, I want to be a journalist. Which breed of journalism, I do not yet know. However, I know no matter what that I love to formulate, to write, to edit and to publish – my own work and others’. I was lucky enough to have my article published in Pi Media’s Term 1 Magazine, ‘Progress’, which was such a wonderful experience that I am desperate to be even more involved in such publications, particularly physical rather than online ones, next year. My poem was published in the Women’s Wrongs Zine ‘Mommy Issues’ and I frequently wrote and edited for my old school’s Arts magazine.

While I have the most experience writing out of anything else, I have edited individual articles before and now would love to be part of something bigger. Not just aiding the flow of others’ writing but devising a production of sorts: making critical choices and executive, creative decisions. The idea to build something from the ground up, using the intellectual and artistic work of brilliant UCL-students’, under my and my co-editor’s supervision would be marvellous!