Election post


I have had so much fun being a part of Chamber Choir during my first year. It has been such a rewarding experience, particularly because of the magical concerts we performed, the talented people I got to sing next to and learn from, and the exceptional organisation of the managers – something I would hope to maintain!

If I were manager, it would be wonderful to again organise full-length concerts for the first and second term; these were a perfect showcase of both the choir’s technical talent, and an ability to string narrative elements between pieces. I would leave the option to hold any event(s) in the third term entirely up to the wishes of the choir. I would also love to sing some more pieces by non-English composers, as there’s such a wealth of amazing music in other languages. That said, I would push for the choir to have a bigger role in choosing what music we sing – especially if someone knows of a piece that isn’t often performed, but would suit this chamber choir well!

Last year, I had the responsibility of choosing and rehearsing with a group of singers for a term, for my school’s house singing competition. I thoroughly enjoyed this role, and it taught me much about organising an ensemble, equipment, and music. I am a passionate choral singer myself; I started singing in a chapel choir ten years ago as a treble, and last year completed a diploma as a countertenor. Alongside the UCL Chamber Choir, I sing as a choral scholar at St Luke’s Church, Chelsea.