Election post


When I tried my first Muay Thai session during Fresher’s Week, I never would have expected to have fallen in love with the sport as much as I have. Looking back on this, it’s all credited to UCL Muay Thai’s supportive culture and its close-knit community who foster this environment. I’m passionate to give back to a community and sport where I have found so much enjoyment, and to continue fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for members.  

This year, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being involved in committee as the Public Relations Officer. As the main contact point for the society, it’s allowed me to gain experience in organising and coordinating events with the committee team. It’s also been a great opportunity to engage directly with members and increase our reach via social media.  

Having represented UCL in an interclub, I've been fortunate to experience the competitive aspect of Muay Thai. Equally, as a female who joined the sport as a complete beginner, I strongly empathise with those interested in participating but are discouraged by the daunting prospect of participating in a traditionally male-dominated environment. As President, I aim to promote the club as an inclusive and welcoming space for those looking to practise recreationally, but to also support those looking to participate competitively. I believe encouraging these two aspects, without compromise for the other, has allowed the club to flourish and I’m looking forward to building on this.