Election post


Hi everyone,

Hope you're all doing well. I didn't initially think I was going to run for the mindful committee, but after hearing that the current 3 were leaving, I wanted to make sure that the most wholesome of societies maintains its little place :)

I'm running for president because this year I found that once a week, the mindful society was an hour-long non-judgemental safe space and was really a nice, relaxing way to wind down from the external world of stresses. 

I really enjoyed the laid-back approach the society had this year, with a balance of socialising and meditating and would love to continue this structure in a similar way but would be open to any suggestions. (maybe a segment with QnAs or tips and tricks to incorporate mindfulness outside of the mediation room??)

As for my background, I feel as though a lot of my past times include learning about the spiritual world and practices (lots of eckhart tolle hehe) where I find myself drawn to meditating daily and so running this committee would almost just be an extension of my habitual virtues and meditations.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope I was convincing enough for the position (I also don't mind any of the other roles, I just thought there wouldn't be many applying for this one :) )