Election post


I’m Ayush and I’m running to be your MedSoc treasurer. This past year, a range of leadership and team-based roles have allowed me to develop my organisational and time-management skills. I have independently organised and managed a national surgical skills teaching series, for which I secured sponsorships to the value of over £1000. This involved liaising with various professional corporations, drafting legal contracts, account-keeping and maintaining customer directory. I therefore feel well-prepared to take on this role where I will exercise the above skills whilst providing an easy and convenient point of contact for all committee members and the SU. Having spoken to the current treasurer, I understand the commitment, proactivity and administrative effort required to not only make a success of the role, but to broaden the horizons of MedSoc's events.

As a current committee member, I have gained valuable insight into the operation and dealings of the society, which has allowed me to identify areas for development. As treasurer I am keen to:

  1. Maintain and develop our sponsorship portfolio by pursuing more sponsorship opportunities and emphasising the expanding breadth and reach of the events that MedSoc has to offer
  2. Improve utilisation of funds by holding regular discussions with subcommittee leads over how they can improve and expand their events, possibly pushing for inter-university collaboration
  3. Facilitate easy and prompt reimbursement and communication with SU