Election post


I’m Sruthi and I’m running to be your paediatric chair next year! With paediatrics having been my primary motivation through medical school, I am keen to increase the breadth and consistency of opportunities for anyone who has an interest in the field! Attending and presenting at numerous paediatric conferences after completion of my iBSc in Paediatrics and Child Health, has provided me with valuable insight into the world of paediatrics. Experiences assisting at membership exams for paediatric trainees and serving as publicity officer within the Paediatric and Child Health Society, have furthered my enthusiasm and drive to lead this subcommittee. Multiple national and UCL-based leadership and committee positions throughout the years leave me incredibly aware of the high levels of commitment and responsibility required for such a role. From networking with well-reputed companies to secure sponsorship, to managing social media accounts, creating marketing material, and organising academic/social events – I have developed the combination of skills and experience to further grow the paediatric division of the UCL Medical Society. I aim to: 

  • Broaden and develop current academic talks and increase interactivity/accessibility with both in-person and online access.
  • Create opportunities for practical experience, including clinician shadowing throughout the year
  • Introduce social and networking events for like-minded medical students with an interest in paediatrics