Election post


I want to nominate myself as a Treasurer for the Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering society because I believe that my contribution this year was excellent to the society by helping organising events and marketing the events and marketing the society by printing poster that people could join the society which lead to a very drastic increase in our members. Also I was an events executive last year meaning I know the society very well and know how it works. I think for the next year I am ready to play a bigger role in this society by being the Treasurer and helping to connect more Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineer students together. I plan to contribute even more to the society than this year and be ready to plan new events with the president and manage the society financially. I believe my communication with the committee members and my leadership is very suitable for this position and I will do my best as the Treasurer of this society.

Thank you for voting,

Omer Yurttutmus