Election post


With many Indians scattered across the world far away from homeland, the idea of embracing our rich and diverse culture often becomes a myth as many of us fall into the trap of changing our ways to try and fit into the western society: westernisation has made many of us forget about our roots and traditions. From being a young girl who once feared being judged for wearing traditional attires to wearing a saree on the tube to attend one of UCL Malayali society’s most popular event, Onam, I truly have reached another level when it comes to embracing our culture. I truly believe part of this comes from being surrounded by committee members who put in a lot of effort and hard work into broadcasting the beauty in our culture through innovative socials/events as well as creating a welcoming and inclusive environment not just for Malayalis but people from other cultures too. 

My journey with Malayali society sure has been a very brief one but I have been made to feel at home at every single social despite being a non-Malayali and they have truly made me appreciate the culture much more. This truly inspires me to become part of such a wonderful team and ensure that the freshers yet to come and those who have the desire to join Malayali society are truly welcomed and valued just like I was. I want to assure you that if I am elected as the welfare officer you will always be made to feel at home where you can truly embrace your culture and be your most authentic self.