Election post


I have always considered myself "type A," in that organisation and planning are necessities for any task I undertake (and, in fact, make any task a lot more satisfying to complete!). During my year abroad this year, I served as an editor for the McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal, which allowed me to practise editing publishable scientific research and working with peer reviewers from different universities. As managing editor, I would take on the responsibility of communicating with editors and writers in an organized, time-conscious manner.

In my year as copy editor at Kinesis (2021-2022), I had a lot of fun being a part of the Kinesis committee and reading articles about topics that I might not naturally come across. Moreover, editing always teaches me more about the ways I can improve my own writing. Not only am I well-suited for the role of Managing Editor based on my organisational and writing abilities, I am sure I will enjoy both the role and continuing to be a part of the Kinesis committee!