Election post


Brought to you by award-winning and critically acclaimed kendoka. I'm a first year studying Classics; practised kendo for 4-5 years; currently Shodan; trained at Oxford before starting at UCL.

    I aim to meticulously budget and financially manage in order to continue increasing the wealth of our club so that we have the option to do more cool events and continue using great facilities (I want more training space – this may be unrealistic/wishful thinking, but I’ll try!).

    Another aim is to organise club training-camps/trips to improve kendo but also to bring kendo club closer together; and to increase motivation and passion for kendo! – Also, more joint trainings/shiai with other universities, not just London, reading, oxford etc. always a great way to learn more and I am certain they would be up for it!

    More effective ways for kendo to be easily accessible for lower-income/bursary students e.g., discounts, kit buying advice, (I’m aware there’s already a good renting system in place – sure there’s always room for improvement)

Also I'm desperate for some more cool merch, would sacrifice a lot to get some. I’m currently thinking cool jackets like KCL, but obviously done way better! I’m no traitor.

I have the passion for UCL kendo club, the skills and dedication required to be treasurer and more importantly: I do classics = too much free time, lots of treasuring :)

Excited to get more stuck into kendo and meet more people over the coming years.

Thanks for reading