Election post


To the avid racers, F1 watchers, and all members of the UCL Karting club, you are the reason we do what we do. Our goal throughout the last year has been to provide you with the best experience we possibly could, and we hope we delivered.

This year, we hope to do even better. To learn from the previous year and improve the experience even more. 

Some of you may know me as the welfare officer for the year 2022/2023, and to those that don't, I'm Aqeel, a 3rd-year Mechanical Engineering student, an F1 fan, and a fellow karter. Having led several teams in the past, and having experience as a welfare officer at UCL Karting, I know just how important it is to be there for you all, to listen to your opinions and complaints, and act on your input.

My experience in the previous year has equipped me with the skills I need to carry out this role effectively. With your vote, I know I can continue to improve the club alongside the rest of the committee and provide you all with an amazing experience at our club.

I hope to continue providing you with a safe and friendly environment, in and outside of the track, being there for you whenever you need me, and always being down for a chat!

As always, you will be able to email me, or contact me on WhatsApp, whenever you need any advice, help or even complain about anything within the club.

Thank you for reading, and I am looking forward to working with you once again!