Election post


Hi, I’m Ruhi and I’m running to be Jain Soc’s President this year! Being a First Year Representative for UCL Jain Soc has been such a rewarding experience, and seeing the love Jain Soc has gotten from so many people lately, has just been heart-warming. I personally want to say a big thank you to all of our new members who have so kindly chipped in to keep Jain Soc running next year.

As UCL Jain Soc is one of only five Jain societies in the UK, it is really important to me that as a society we help to grow the community and make sure that this society doesn’t just survive, but rather that it thrives in the years to come. As President, I want to do just that, by increasing the visibility of the society so that we can hopefully do larger and more regular events. As part of this aim, I plan on collaborating with the other UCL cultural societies to host fundraisers and fun socials, as well as to expand our volunteering opportunities and bring more awareness to Jainism.

I believe that I have the leadership, organisational and social skills needed to be a good President, and to create the best events possible for you. A key belief of Jainism is equality, and I want to create a society that really represents that, so if you have any ideas for events or things you want to see happening, let me know and we can try to make it happen, because after all, this is your society too.

Let’s make this one of the best years so far for Jain Soc!