Election post


Hi I’m Navya, I’m a first year biomedical student. 

Indian society has been a big part of my first year here at UCL and I’ve loved every bit of it! After having prioritised Indian Society as first year representative, the experience, exposure and all the skills I’ve gained from committee will help me give my best as head of socials to make these events bigger and better than last year.  
I purpose to give more importance to the families scheme and organise game nights, sports and karaoke events. I will organise socials for the first years and make sure they feel welcomed. I also want to work with other universities and cultural societies for joint socials.

Being head of socials requires key organisation and communication skills which I have developed through many experiences including working as an intern at Medilabs where I organised a health check up for over 150 people and had to delegate and manage people under me. I was also involved in chai in the quad where I contacted chaiiwala and made sure all arrangements were done in time, and emailed the charity, Goonj that benefitted from all the proceeds.Chai in the quad was a success and we made over 450£. 

I’ll look into what’s best suited and most favourable as an attendee and give you the best dhamaal, jashn and many more socials throughout the year. I already have ideas for jashn next year (ur not going to have to deal with the overcrowded open bar and the long queues ;)) I will not give you a chance to complain.