Election post


I am standing for volunteering officer because I want to members interested and involved in activities that are related to the society and to the values that UNICEF aligns itself to. I want to see through some of the projects we have been working on with volunteering until now, including those with the Euston food bank and ACAA. Moreover, I want to create a volunteering mentorship within the society, where members can communicate their volunteering desires and we can guide them to projects and organisations suited most to their own personal needs. This way on top of having group volunteering activities, members feel like they can find opportunities that align most with their own values, skills, and time.

I strongly believe that sometimes the best help you can give is your time and dedication, I volunteer and want for all members to experience how rewarding it can be and want to make that experience possible. Moreover, I want everything to run as smoothly as possible and for people to have the opportunity to commit for small periods of time so that they can still do everything they need to get done (being a student is not easy). Most importantly, I want to make volunteering feel fun and engaging, where you can develop skills as well as help people.