Election post


Hello, my name is Mira Hamita! As someone who is directly and currently working with members of the IDEAS Globally organization, it goes without saying that I have vested interest in this society.

I believe that this society has a lot of potential to grow given its' aims to create socially impactful actions and consider viable solutions to global issues. However, there is much needed improvement to the day-to-day running of this society, of which I have several ideas to implement, outlined in the list below:

  1. To have speaker events in which we invite people who are directly involved in up-and-coming social enterprises, NGOs and etc, to discuss their experience and allow our members to network with. 
  2. Include more socials where we will do things outside of UCL as opposed to only hosting events on campus i.e. dinner, mini golf/bowling, etc.
  3. Have consistent weekly sessions in order to increase engagement which includes activities beyond only discussing documentaries. I advocate for workshops as well as collaborative events with other societies

I also have experience in being part of a committee of another society (MUN) within UCL as well as being part of student council throughout high school, which I believe is fundamental for this role. The fact that I am active in several societies would also prove vital for my third point on the list, where I can utilize the wide network at my disposal for the benefit of IDEAS Globally society.