Election post


Hi, I’m Sarah, running to be your Welfare and Diversity Officer!

At the start of term, I’ve definitely struggled in adapting to Uni life - moving abroad for the first time, managing countless deadlines, and finding a sense of belonging in UCL - which is why this role resonates with me. I want to do my part in making sure that people aren’t struggling alone!

If elected, I will make sure everyone feels welcomed and supported. I will look after the welfare of not only society members, but the cohort as a whole, to ensure everyone is having an enjoyable experience in UCL Geography.

As a committee member, I will help organise existing flagship events, and I hope to introduce other wellbeing and cultural events as well! Furthermore, I am committed to make GeogSoc more inclusive, and hope to be a listening ear if anyone is in need of support :)

As Welfare and Diversity Officer, here’s what I hope to implement:

  1. Sunrise walks
  2. Culturally-themed picnics/socials
  3. Increased awareness and support for neurodivergent and BAME students!

If any of this resonates with you, I’d be incredible thankful to have you vote! Thank you for this opportunity to contribute to the society!