Election post


My aims:

  • Educate students without bioscience degrees about knowledge in genetics through seminars led by undergraduates or postgraduates.
  • Allow researchers at UCL and elsewhere to share insights into cutting-edge genetics research and inspire each other.
  • Host more academic workshops and talks on genetics to help students and members develop research ideas, and critical thinking skills.
  • Partner with the Biochemistry Society and Genetics Society to launch a unique Cell and Molecular Biology journal.
  • Give students from any background a chance to ‘publish’ in our journal and receive feedback to practice their writing.

My plans:

  • Host online seminars and tutorials on specific skills/knowledge and ensure smooth communication between the audience and presenters.
  • Create and evaluate feedback forms for each event to suggest future events.
  • Work with other life science societies in promoting and holding events.
  • Meet monthly with members to reflect on previous events and plan for the next stage.
  • Recruit more editors and journal club assistants to create the Molecular Biology journal.

My experience:

  • Co-organised social events (e.g. 10km mini-marathon) for my high school class.
  • Led volunteer groups and gave presentations/talks at the Science Museum in China.
  • Attended many extracurricular in-person and online seminars over the past few years.