Election post


The mentorship program available to members of UCL's first-generation society is one that I have personally benefitted from. Despite only being matched with my mentor a few short weeks ago, I've found that being able to talk to someone from a similar background who has followed a similar career path, however a few years further along the journey, has been an invaluable experience. I think the rewards a mentorship program has to offer are only compounded for first-generation students, who perhaps, may struggle to have anyone available to seek guidance from.

It is for the reasons listed above that I desire to help involve myself in the program such that can assist other students like myself who can greatly benefit from the advantages the program has to offer. 

Not only would I very much like to undertake this role, but I also believe I possess the qualities to perform it to a high standard. I understand that the ability to network with professionals in a variety of fields is necessary in order for mentees to be matched with suitable mentors.

I believe myself to have both a good level of experience and skill in networking, primarily on LinkedIn. I feel that to pair mentees with the right mentors, there is also a certain level of research that needs to be undertaken, and I feel that this extra workload is one that I am able to manage.