Election post


Dear fellow EEL members, 

As many of you know I have a passion for linguistics and this club is an encapsulation of one of the things I consider deeply important to my sense of self. 

I believe I am suited for the role of treasure because

  • I show commitment to the society, often being present at many events, language classes etc. in order to support attendance.
  • I am considerate in my decision making, often deliberating and discussing my thoughts and plans with myself and others before acting on them.
  • I am trustworthy and have a knack for keeping records and budgeting, often sorting out and keeping track of the the finances both at my uni flat, and at home. 

I also wish to express my positions and what I will strive to achieve as treasurer, none of which will be implemented without discussion and general support from the members. I will advocate for: 

  •  a various tier membership based on what people can afford. I believe this should range from the highest being £10 to the lowest being £3. 
  • an attendance register in order to assess what is popular and what isn't, and adjust advertising and budgeting accordingly
  • the proactivity in finding endangered language teachers and speakers to give lessons and talks 
  • to set aside funding for bursary for those who need help with affording any trips or outings that we might have, or recourses that language teachers might need. 

I hope you all see the reasons for my suitability above, and would consider voting for