Election post


As co-founder of the Esperanto and Endangered Languages society, I have a deep passion for languages. I came up with the idea for the magazine as I noticed a gap in the UCL language community for a platform where enthusiasts could share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences related to languages. I believe that the magazine will not only provide a platform for language enthusiasts to share their perspectives, but also create a sense of community within the society.

As Head of Magazine, my vision is to create a platform that is nerdy, fun, and informative. I want the magazine to be a place where language enthusiasts (you lot reading this) can write about whatever you want regarding languages, with full freedom. Whether it is an analysis of a language, a personal account of learning a new language, or a review of a language learning tool, the magazine will be the perfect opportunity for you all to express your love for languages. Please get involved next year!

All the best, 
