Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Utilise high-traffic areas of campus in creating “inclusivity corners” where activities can regularly take place and are open to any and all UCL students passing by
  • Work on streamlining financial support available for students in accessing societies and events and the expansion of free-of charge union events
  • Develop inclusion networks across UCL departments where students are both involved and advance in their involvement in making departments more equitable 
  • Pressure UCL on rejoining on stonewall and the increase of funds towards supporting the LGBTQI+ Community & Trans Inclusivity
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Making educational initiatives more inclusive and removing barriers disadvantaged groups face in both access and more importantly, support is a passion that I have always had and hope to one day turn into a career☺️In Jordan, I worked alongside a regional educational foundation (AHSF) in helping make accessibility, across socioeconomic classes in particular, a key determinant in their decisions. Working on community building through inclusive educational initiatives has shown me the impact of a truly inclusive educational environment and what it takes to get there.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Feeling included amidst everything happening was daunting to me, especially being new to London; it is very easy to feel lost and out of place in a university at the scale of UCL. Moreover, as the “covid generation,” we have not yet recovered from the social and mental impact of covid, which I would hope to address. As a Queer Palestinian raised in a Muslim family, I find myself at crossroads with parts of my identity clashing. At UCL, arts spaces have helped me appreciate my identities wholly. I believe in community building through inclusive arts initiatives that uplift marginalised voices.