Election post


From extensive volunteering experience in South-East Asia to community engagement in high school promoting climate education and a solar energy transition scheme– making myself resourceful to others and the environment is an inherent characteristic of mine. 

For much of my life, I’ve been on the move– from Paris, Houston, London, Windsor, Singapore and Doha. I’ve sort of been “forced” to adapt– and find that as a result I’m always on the lookout for the person who doesn’t quite fit in, so I can help them feel like they do. I remain attentive to others in any shape and form– and gain a lot of fulfilment knowing my traces can be rendered impactful to others by fostering a safe and communal environment. From my experiences abroad, I’ve forged myriad interactions with all sorts of people from various academic, religious, and ethnic backgrounds, each unique to every place I’ve lived. Resultantly, I’ve grown socially aware and sensitive to the differences that distinguish us and to the vulnerabilities that prevail in my surroundings– and yearn to positively impact them.

As I look to advance my own career in ESG, I recognise this landscape can be a difficult and daunting one to navigate. I am confident that my commitment to safety, diversity and inclusion will make ESG society more than a platform for career inspiration– but a community to which one can confidently pitch alternate ideas in a place where they’ll be heard, valued and challenged– regardless of their background.