Election post


I am standing for the role of Treasurer of the Effective Altruism Society because I am passionate about the purpose of the movement and excited about its potential for positive impact on the world.

The fundamental principles of EA have given me a sense of direction regarding my career plans which I believe many talented and motivated students at UCL are seeking. Beyond giving my work meaning, being a member of the society has meant being supported by an encouraging community of people with similar aspirations and curiosities. 

I believe that my familiarity with EA concepts, and experience in community building and event planning will make me a valuable committee member. In particular, my organizational skills and attention to detail make me a good candidate for the role of Treasurer.

I am motivated to channel my passion for EA into further expanding the student society at UCL and ensuring its smooth operation at all levels. I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues and am excited about what we can achieve together in the coming year.