Election post


I have a great passion to explore economics and finance career opportunities, with which I not only focus on my development, but also others' - my friends, classmates, and simply anyone sharing the same passion - as I believe one person travels fast but a group travels farther. After competitive application during which I presented my visions for EFS and motivations to take up society responsibilities, I was elected as one of the four First Year Executives, and I have been rotating in the Economics, Finance, and Mentorship Divisions. I am grateful for experiences in the EFS team as I learn about the ways of operation, coordination, communication, collaboration, and project management when I assist on formulating ideas of and organising events to address the interests of our members as well as the wider student body. Therefore, I believe I have the ability and passion to work as the Vice President of Alumni Relations to help construct more connections between our amazing alumni and EFS members through events and schemes. Along my applications, I realise that the guidance of alumni - no matter senior ones who can provide long-term career advice, or junior ones who can share recent application tips - is crucial in helping aspiring students to discover their true career passions and greatest strengths. So besides alumni talks, I plan to explore the possibility of building alumni-student mentorship pairs so that students can receive long-term, specific career insights and support.