Election post


For me, I started acting when I was 7 years old purely to build my confidence as a kid, but what I found instead was a network of wonderful people and an outlet to simply play! I've been lucky enough to work within the industry myself and so as workshops and events officer I want to create opportunities for members to play and learn through different mediums of drama. I would reach out to industry professionals, as have done in the past, while extending out to contacts who have made along the way to bring training to members of UCL Drama Soc!

Since being the workshop officer from last term, I’ve created regular Monday workshops in different forms of drama and want to continue with focus of voice, movement, audition technique, industry knowledge, directing and devising. As well as welcoming more industry professionals as guests. I also want to create a regular survey in order gain feedback from workshops and to understand what members would like to see to get the most out of the workshops.