Election post


My name is Bella, I am a first year English student and everyone knows people who read books are the wildest and best at planning social events (source: trust me).

I am good at organising events and getting people involved: my goal is to get as many people to the socials as possible, from those already in the society to the new starters.

Oftentimes people think BP Debate is a load of suited people scoffing and shouting about parliamentary issues, but we all know it is actually a really fun society and I think this aspect should be emphasised. This society attracts interesting, fun people and the socials are a great way to get to know everyone. Debate is unique in that from the get go you are forced to talk and communicate with new people and the socials will further strengthen the community of Debate society.

I have previous experience planning events from charity fundraisers to parties and would love the opportunity to be Social Sec for debate. I could host debate related socials such as drink debating and other general ones like quizzes, meals, pub meets, ect.

Please consider voting for me as I would really enjoy creating fun socials for the society!