Election post


Hey all, I’m Ange!

I’ve attended multiple tournaments this year as a speaker and later as a judge and a part of the equity team. This means that I’ve experienced the behind-the-scenes of running tournaments and have some experience hosting tournaments. Throughout high school, I’ve chaired and organised multiple Model UN conferences, taking on the roles of Chief of Staff, USG of Committees, and USG of Outreach. This experience was key in helping me gain organisational skills. I've also aided in running tournaments for the NSDA (National Speech and Debate Association of the United States) and was placed in charge of marketing and finding judges and schools to attend.

I believe that to be a good convenor, one needs to be organised and efficient, whether that be finding or hiring IAs or filing invoices. I believe I have all of the skills needed to run tournaments as smoothly as possible and make lots of money for the Soc so we can still go to WUDC.