Election post


Hello everyone! I was the Welfare Officer for DataViz society for 2022-23. In the past year, I helped to run our workshops (Flourish, etc.) and speaker events. I've also helped to launch our Data Journalism unit to give our members an opportunity to practise their data visualisation skills.

DataViz is quite a new society, so it's been an exciting year building the society from the ground up, trying to bring in more members, and brainstorming ideas for what our society could do. Having been on the committee for a year now, I want to continue seeing the society flourish (and most importantly, exist), which is why I'm running for Welfare Officer.

I'm standing just in case no one else has nominated themselves for Welfare Officer (every society needs at least a President, Treasurer, and Welfare Officer to exist). If there is another Welfare Officer running, please vote for me as the Data Lead over on the other nomination page!