Election post


I want to help in dance soc because it feels like such a fun and friendly environment. I think communications is the best decision for me. I love sending people texts and I’m usually a fast responder(specially on ig, because the message count annoys me, so no ghosting on my behalf). 

I pride myself in being able to convey a message in a precise and concise manner. Which will be very valuable while answering questions.

I work much better when there’s a schedule and I know what has to be done each week, rather than having to set times for myself. As a result, I think having the dance timetable and working based on it will help a lot.

I also think my course is quite demanding, so being able to rely on someone else, the publicity and design officer would be very helpful to me. I would only implement this measure in really extreme cases.

I would of course keep doing what’s being done nowadays: ig posts, e-mails and answering messages. I would like to brighten every dancer’s week by posting/e-mailing something fun. I promise to either post a meme or fun picture. I will of course keep Sarah’s tradition of putting puns in every e-mail.

Finally, I am quite good and really enjoy running Instagram pages and producing  interesting posts. This can be seen in the flat Instagram I have with my flatmates: flat_53k (great cv for this position if you as me).