Election post


Hi everyone! I am Crystal Zhang, a first year representative running for Consulting Society president. 

My previous experience as the high school Bizsoc President and as a first-year FYR for UCLCS and Bizsoc this year have allowed me to develop leadership and communication skills that help me to be capable in this role. Organising events like Exploring Entrepreneurship in UCL this year & involving in UCLCS's marketing and sponsorship divisions has equipped me with an understanding of the society's structure and operations, which will aid me in fulfilling the responsibilities of President role.

I have always been enjoying my experience as a FYR in the society this year and find it very rewarding. In the upcoming year, I will be strive to make every moment with UCLCS worthwhile for you!

Here are my goals next year:

  • Foster an inclusive & diverse atmosphere by engaging members from various of backgrounds and from different school years, to participate in high-quality events.
  • Enhance our mentorships to offer workshops and application clinics to improve case interview, cv & cover letter to make members know the process behind getting accepted by firms like McKinsey, BCG and Bain and Big 4.
  • Organise panel talk events featuring consultants to discuss topics such as ESG, AI, and healthcare, in order to provide our members with a better understanding of these areas.

I hope you can put your faith in me and allow me to fulfil my goals! Thank you.