Election post


As the Events Executive of the UCL CSS this year, I have had the privilege of working closely with the rest of the committee to organise engaging socials and an exciting hackathon. However, I’d like to do a lot more next year.

I am committed to organising a variety of career events to help our members prepare for their futures. This includes hosting more CV roasts, career talks, mock interviews, and panels with successful student interns, industry professionals, and recruiters. 

While I recognise the importance of career development, I believe that our society is united by a deeper passion for computer science. Therefore I’d seek to organise speaker events with academics and individuals who have influenced computer science, such as the event I organised for UCL Effective Altruism with an AI researcher from the FHI at Oxford or the talk organised by the UCL Science Magazine with the inventor of C++.

Hackathons are a hallmark of our society, and I am enthusiastic about enhancing their frequency and using them to improve participation in CS. In particular, I envision organising an additional 24-hour overnight hackathon as well as cybersecurity capture-the-flag contests to highlight our member’s abilities to both create and destroy. I'd also like to better publicise hackathons organised by other universities and help UCL students form teams. Finally, I’m committed to furthering a sense of community amongst CS students by making use of our common room to hold weekly hangouts.