Election post


As I will be heading into the final year of my PhD, I was initially pretty hesitant about running for committee. 

But then the more I thought about it, I figured that - let’s face it - I’m probably going to be just as involved with the society as a whole whether I apply or not, so why not give it a go???

But actually, I think that I would make a good social secretary as I generally have a good relationship with everyone in the society, and consider myself pretty approachable. As well as organising socials (obviously), I believe a good social sec should be able to make sure newer members also feel welcome, and I think I have the easy-going attitude to perfectly suit that responsibility and create an environment where people can be ‘social’ x

I am pretty present and involved in the society in general too, so I’ll be there to make sure everyone is comfortable and having fun. 

100% not just in it for the free committee T-shirt I swear. Terms and conditions apply, shoey’s not included. 

lots of love,

ayrton like a tonne of air