Election post


Since becoming a part of the Christian Union at UCL I have come to understand the power of having close christian fellowship whilst at university. It can completely transform the way we live out our faith and continually inspires us to live a life that is closer to that of Jesus. I am standing to be a member of the committee as I have a passion to see this be the experience of others.

I have had the privilege to be involved with leading and playing in worship over the past seven years and have been able to learn from many people with a wealth of experience in this area. I'm constantly grateful for those who have helped me grow in worship and being a member of the committee would be the perfect opportunity to put this into practice. 

"My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Awake my soul! Awake harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn." - Psalm 57:7-8

The act of worship can so easily be reduced to singing songs of adoration about God. Whilst this is good and important, we must realise that there is so much more! In worship we can enter into His gates, into a sacred place where we leave all our cares behind and are overwhelmed by His glory. I believe that when we are appreciative of this, our worship is transformed and we can be changed through encounter. I want the primary focus of my time on committee to be seeking worship that has power like what is written in this Psalm.