Election post


Hi! I'm Emily, a second year Ancient History student.

This year I was fortunate enough to be made a prayer leader of a small group, meeting every Wednesday lunchtime. I was hesitant about the role at first, as I wasn’t sure I’d be suitable, but I have had the blessing to see how everyone has grown in confidence with God and become such good friends, supporting each other in their faith and everyday lives. It has shown me how integral prayer is for well-being and a relationship with God, and how it brings people together in such a loving and unique way. I would love to help nurture these small groups over the coming year, and encourage everyone in CU to get stuck into them!

During events week this year, the daily prayer meetings were my favourite time of the day. It was a time to reflect, join in fellowship and speak to God. As Prayer and Welfare Officer, I would motivate people to see CU as a place to pray, take a break from the stress of university, and reground perspective. It is easy to get caught up in performative pressure at UCL and happiness can always be found in the loving community of CU. I would love nothing more than to be a part of the team supporting it, and to be a mentor for people. 

Thank you, Amara (our lovely Prayer and Welfare Officer for the past year) for this encouraging verse:

2 Corinthians 3:4-6.