Election post


Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. -- Acts 4:12 

Jesus is good news! He is good news for us and everyone else at UCL. And not only is he good news, but he is the best, most exciting, life-changing news. As students we are uniquely placed to share this news with our friends and CU is a wonderful way to do that. Talking about Jesus can be scary, but we don’t have to do it on our own! As a CU we get to be team, a bunch of random people united by our love for Jesus, who get to prayerfully spur each other on and work together as we aim to boldly and lovingly share the good news about Jesus with others. It is my hope that, through what we do as a CU, those around us would see even a little of what God is like and the unfathomably great love, joy, peace and hope that comes through knowing Him! I would love to serve God and the CU by trying to use the skills God has given me to help things run smoothly and look after the financial side of things. :)