Election post


Hello, everyone! I am Yixuan Jin and I’m running for the head of the charity department.

I want to run this leadership because I am enthusiastic about the events held and I enjoy organising, planning and advocating upcoming events with others. I not only participated in but also help to plan and organised many activities within these 2 terms with my colleagues. For example, I have helped to write many posts to advocate upcoming events, help to organise both online and offline seminars for advocating voluntary seminars etc. Working with the charity division for 2 terms, I have gained a lot of experience and abilities within our team. For example, communication skills, teamwork and time management skills… Therefore I am relatively more experienced and familiar with the procedure and how the department is run compared to others thus more prepared for this work.

Furthermore, I believe my personality and characteristics can make me more suitable for this job. I am a friendly, warm-hearted extrovert person, who is responsible at work with many original ideas. So if I can be the head of the charity department, I can bring more vitality to this society and more interesting events in the future.

Overall, I am an experienced and enthusiastic person who has the necessary characteristics for this job. So please and thanks for voting~