Election post


Heyyy everybody! Here's Abby, Ziyi Zong?‍♀️ (or just Zong Zong) and I am a 3rd-year math&stat student. I am standing here running for the head of the art troupe of CSSA since this is the team I love and have always been with since my 1st year. 

(Have another peek at my profile!) If you've seen any Chinese Dance performances at UCL, you might recognize our costumes. YES! I am the head of Chinese Dance Crew, one of the six indispensable teams in our art troupe. As a leader, I have demonstrated my capability to manage and promote our dance crew, coordinate performances within CSSA, and with SU. Other than that I have made smooth connections with other unis, e.g. dance crew of UCDavis, Princeton, etc.

I believe my enthusiasm, innovation and dedication would bring our art troupe another active, diverse and harmonious year. My next year's targets would be condensed into 3 letter-C-started words :D


Through last year, I have participated in most events held by our friend teams and sincerely believe that the talent of our art troupe is unlimited. I am ready to maximumly exploit the potential and take good care of each team!

"Speak less, do more" is my principle for study & personal life, and especially for my work. plz feel free to reach out if you have any questions & suggestions about me or our team even if you don't know me before. If you think I am the right candidate, don't forget to PICK ME?! I will definitely NEVER LET U DOWN!