Election post


Hi everyone, I'm Hahn, and I'm running to be your Welfare Officer at Chess Society for the upcoming academic year!

Being a part of this community has allowed me to strengthen my chess skills and meet amazing people. I'd love to give back by ensuring that chess soc continues to move from strength to strength. Having served as the Head of Events and Vice President of the engineering society over the past two years, I'm confident I have the experience, skills, and insight to take chess soc to new heights in the coming year. My goals are as follows:

1. Host outreach events with local schools to teach chess to members of the local community.

2. Continue to host weekly socials both online and offline for constituent members.

3. Host termly/twice-a-term tournaments for members in different time formats to allow members to practice playing under different time controls in a competitive environment.

4. Host opening tutorials/puzzle practice sessions during socials or other opening/puzzle-tailored sessions alongside the beginner's rep to help newer chess players develop important chess skills.


Being part of the chess society has been an amazing experience - I'd love to give back and help out by becoming your welfare officer in the coming year!