Election post


To those who are wondering who this strange man is and where he came from, allow me to explain. I have been on a brief hiatus this past year from a passionate affair with The Cheese Grater. Before I moved to Colombia I had been Investigations Editor and Editor-in-Chief. I like to see CG as a toxic boyfriend - it is suffocating, controls your life and consumes your headspace, but you still love it and you can’t help going back.

So, why would I be a good treasurer? If I control the purse strings of The Cheese Grater, I will make sure they remain loose. As a strong believer in the welfare state, I want the budget to work for all members of CG.

I also want a bigger budget. Last I heard, Pi Media had an endowment several times greater than ours. Anyone who has been to the Media Office knows that their budget has mostly gone towards the wholesale destruction of forests for print issues that never get distributed (or read). We, on the other hand, boast Sketch, Zine, Investigations and Humour sections that actually contribute to the cultural and political fabric of UCL. Therefore, I will leverage my connections in the SU to lobby for more funds to strengthen all the parts of our beautiful society.

I look forward to meeting all of you who joined CG this year, in whatever capacity you allow me to serve in.