Election post


Dear beloved voter,

It's not been too long since I last wrote one of these 'why are you standing' paragraphs for this exact position. My time as investigations editor, roughly starting in December 2022, has been a hell of a lot of fun. I'm running for this position again as a means of ensuring that investigations continues onwards and upwards in 23-24. Not only do I enjoy editing the great pieces submitted, the culture of the investigations section is nothing short of fantastic - I want things to continue and get even bloody better! Investigations is a hard place to be at times, with most stories leading to nowhere (Andrea knows this more than any of us). Saying this, I admire the persistence of all the great people who turn up each week with new leads, ideas and whatever else. I hope that next year, investigations will be able to continue much as it is now. I do plan on introducing more writing workshops and structured group ideas sessions as a means of focusing and expanding the already great journalistic capabilities of the investigations section. The continuation of investigatory journalism in UCL is imperative for the upkeep of student democracy and I would be very honoured to be re-elected as investigations editor. Also, even in the absence of Sam next year (you, Neil, Nandini and the other 3rd years will be sorely missed), Monday night IOE bar visits will continue under my watch!

Please vote for me, it would be lovely to be re-elected 

Lots of love,

Robert x