Election post


Hey I'm Hind!! you will have probably seen me at Phineas every wednesday. This has been my first year in cheer and honestly, I love it so much!! not just the training and performances but also the socials. I know many of you feel the same way which is why I want to be a social sec this way I can organize many different socials that are not just limited to Wednesday nights.

Some ideas include sports night with other teams (duh) but also going to parks to do yoga/picnics, arranging a scavenger hunt around London, fundraising for charity and our club through bake sales and car washes, day trips outside of London eg.brighton, trampoline park to work on jumps, sport day with challenging activites (just like in highschool), and so much more.

I want to make sure there is a good balance between night and day activities (as many of you live far) so that everyone has a chance to particpate in atleast one. Cheer is not just a sport but a connection between all of us. There will be a chance for you to get more invloved and get to know the majority of each other.   

I can't wait to start planning all of these events so please vote Hind :)) 

I love you all so much <3