Election post

Hey all! As the Founder of the UCL Cats Society and this year's president, I really hope I get elected to serve a second term. I have really really enjoyed seeing the society come to life and seeing the friendships that have been made and all of the laughs and cat pictures that have been shared! It has been amazing how successful the society has been, but now that I have sorted out our teething problems and gained more funding I am sure that next year will be even better! In addition to keep the fun social events and other successes of this year, I will continue applying for grants so that our members can go to more cat cafes and meet more cats! I also will continue sorting out solid partnerships with cat shelters and volunteering places so that our members can volunteer there (working with our newly elected Volunteering Officers). Following the success of last week's bake sale I also will ensure that we do a fundraising event every month (and not limited to bake sales) so that we continue helping our precious cats. Additionally, I will ask for members' availability so that our events next year can suit the times that members are free so that no members are left out. I also will continue looking after the welfare of our members and ensuring that the society is the happiest that it can be. Please vote for me (and if you won't vote for me, vote for Daisy!)