Election post


Hello! I'm Sunny, the current treasurer of Hedge Fund Society.

Through actively joining several exciting events such as the Impact Investment Challenge, and winning my division in the DECA Case Study Competition, I was motivated to run for the President of the Business Society. I wish to explore the various opportunities we may be exposed to and take leadership in organising even more inspirational competitions and conferences here at UCL.

My main agenda will be as follows:

  • Consolidation: Introducing more technical sessions such as Stock Pitch Competition, Workshops and Finance Bootcamps. Having gained spring offers from J.P. Morgan, RBC Capital Markets, KPMG and Maven Securities, I am confident in working on the fundamentals to help our members gain a steeper learning curve.
  • Expansion: I will continue to capitalise on and further expand our connections and leverage our network by building a stronger brand image to introduce our members even more talented people. By expanding our pool of sponsor firms, we can gain firm-specific insights that are beneficial to our members.
  • Diversification: Exploring more potential sponsors from across the industry to bring you even more opportunities beneficial to our members.

By voting for me, I will use my diverse experience, along with my academic motivations, to restructure the Business Society for the better and maintain our value as the one-stop society for all interests in UCL!