Election post


Hey All,

Having been a member and learnt to row at UCLBC over the last two years, I’m keen to apply my energies and experience to support and improve the club as treasurer.

In this role, I would aim to ensure that financial decisions are taken in a timely manner, with thorough due-diligence and planning, to ensure that club funds are appropriately maintained and sporting performance properly supported. In support of this, I’d look to foster a productive relationship with the Union, being well-aware of such intricacies through experience as treasurer in high school organisations and the Bartlett’s Pavilion construction.

Well-aware that rowing is an expensive sport, I’m eager to ensure that costs to members are minimised, and opportunities for wider participation and support increased, such that monetary concerns are removed, as far as possible, from people’s decision to row at UCL. Similarly, I’d look to work with the Fundraising Sec. to widen fundraising efforts and secure additional revenue streams for the Boat Club.

Further to this, I’d like to increase the club’s financial transparency, so rowers can better trust how their membership is spent, and fully appreciate the cost of our equipment and activities, by reinstating (?) the termly update to members outlined within the constitution.
